Sharing the Love of The Gospel of Peace with Broken hearts


Seven ways we help the homeless

Wondering how we help homeless people on the streets? We want to help create change, we offer seven ways we help the homeless.

1. Help us send Workers on the field 

Homeless across Canada and America depend on volunteers to keep ministering and sharing the hope of Glory, Jesus in all of us. By volunteering your time, you can help in any number of ways: serving food to the homeless, building permanent shelters, handing out care packages, fundraising and clerical work, and more. These awesome street workers are filled with love and are passionate about ensuring the homeless are cared for with basic needs and especialy their soul and spirit

2. Donate new and used Bible and Christian books

A lot of homeless people are always in need of Bible and Christian books

3. We distribute blankets and wool socks

Every winter, We bring blankets and wool socks to help the homeless stay warm and healthy. 

-We purchase our blanket in thrift stores

-We want to organize blanket donations locally

4. Our online fundraiser  GoFundMe click donate Now!!!

When you donate, your contribution is used for::

  • For a specific individual
  • For the homeless (basic needs)
  • To purchase products for basic need for homeless men and women
  • To get care packages for the homeless
  • Food and Blankets

5. Pay for a hotel room

On a freezing winter night, we can go above and beyond a hot meal by offering to pay for a hotel room for an individual in need. This idea is great if you have already built a friendly rapport with the homeless (wisdom and discernment)

6. Advocate and share ideas

Do you have ideas on how to improve the conditions for homeless folks? 

Or are you passionate about helping create more ways to help us help them?

Make your voice heard by bringing your ideas to our attention, and how you can get involved in the process.

7. We give out food gift cards

Giving a food gift card to homeless people is a quick and easy way to help. We do not ever carry cash on hand!!! when we come across someone who really needs help, we take a step by purchasing several inexpensive gift cards to local restaurants and grocery stores. then hand them out whenever you see a need. Giving food to homeless people via gift cards is a simple way to brighten someone’s day and help them stay healthy and nourished.

Please Donate to us to help the homeless in the community

By fundraising for the homeless, these individuals were able to spark change and inspire others to join in!!!

Ready to be a part of the solution?

No matter how you feel called to help the homeless, you can help even more by donating, volunteering your time, and most importantly, we always need prayers :)

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